Female Hormones

Check-up from £40

Lab results within 24 hrs

Women’s health across the life course

Female Hormones

Hormonal changes can occur throughout a woman’s life; though the leading causes of ‘hormone storms’ are puberty, pregnancy and the menopause. Diagnosing and treating imbalances is a gynaecological priority. Not least as it can shed light on thyroid changes, diabetes, high cholesterol and growth problems, for example.

This complex group of chemical messengers constantly travels around our blood, to regulate and control physical and emotional processes. Women have a unique combination of hormones to support or eventually end their ability to become pregnant. These, and other hormones, can rise and fall, sometimes in a way that requires medical help.
The defining hormone for men is called testosterone, though interestingly women sometimes have small amounts of this too. The sex hormones for women are oestrogen and progesterone (both mainly produced by ovaries). These female hormones ‘signal’ your body to control menstruation in young girls, fertility cycles, preparation for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and eventually the menopause. When female reproductive hormones become unbalanced, it can lead to several distressing and uncomfortable symptoms, including low sex drive, painful and heavy periods, and mood swings. It can even create a whole new set of medical concerns about your skin, hair and even brain, for example! All of which is why diagnosis and intervention can be so important.

Medical treatments

At Oval Medical Centre, our empathetic and discrete GPs will take your medical history and symptomology into account and will also conduct a caring and careful physical examination when necessary. The aim will always be to find the right medical treatment for your hormone issues.

Consideration will be given to your age, family planning ambitions and any wider medical problems caused by your hormone changes. Advice and therapies provided will include hormone treatments, ways to manage hormone balances naturally and methods for self-managing hormone deficits or surges. Fundamentally, getting to the root of the issue, then mapping the best way to improve your hormone levels and general health.

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